The Secret Language of Animals is a doorway to reconnect with the wisdom of nature through the messages of our planet’s most threatened species. By honoring the insight they bring to us, we deepen our connections, while awakening our role in the preservation and balance of life. Features 46 cards and 156-page guidebook.
Size46 cards, 3.75” x 5.5” ; Box, 4.75” x 6.5”
AuthorChip Richards
ArtistJimmy Manton
What Customers Are Saying About The Secret Language of Animals
The Secret Language of Animals Oracle Cards by Chip Richards with artwork by Jimmy Manton is a stunningly gorgeous yet practical tool of divination. By design, the deck gives readers many possibilities for working with the cards beyond connecting with the evocative art and thought-provoking keywords. The cards are organized into five color-coded elemental suits (fire, water, air, earth, wood) with an element card and eight animal cards for each suit. There is a separate card for Gaia as well, bringing the total to 46. The beautifully written guidebook gives characteristics of the animals and elements, divinatory meanings, and an affirmation for each card. The animals featured on the cards are all endangered. For those who feel called to the cause of protecting these creatures, there is a section at the end of the book that provides some suggestions on how one can get involved and information about some of the organizations working to protect endangered species. This an oracle which not only stimulates intuition, but also raises awareness in more than one way.