Thai artist Chatriya created Fenestra Tarot using acrylic on paper with soothing watercolor tones. She beautifully blends artistic elements from her own eastern background with influences as far reaching as Egyptian history, Japanese manga, western art and classical mythology. Both the Major and Minor Arcana figures are fully illustrated and framed by graceful arches, reminiscent of Art Deco. Fenestra Tarot invites you to look deep into your own soul through the windows of Tarot symbolism.
SizeCards measure 2.75" x 4.75"
What Customers Are Saying About Fenestra Tarot
Before buying these cards I actually had a friend that used them so I was able to see them first hand. I never was sure if I really wanted to buy them, but eventually a few months later I did. After having these for a while I've come to the conclusion that this is probably going to be my deck for a long time. Every thing about it I like.
For starters the quality of the cards are good. Unfortunately nowadays companies have been producing decks with this flimsy paper that for some reason just gets damaged way to easily. The paper stock of these cards are what they should be in a tarot deck. I've have them for a while and they don't get damaged easily, they are very easy to shuffle, and they look well made.
Secondly I love the art for the cards. I love how the artist threw in some Egyptian influence along with the colors that really go well with each other. Something I rather enjoyed is the fact that the deck is really reminiscent of the Rider Waite Tarot, but it still has it's own flare. I think the creator really took into account the basic tarot system because many decks I've seen lately tend to appear random. When I look at these cards I understand what the artist was going with.
At the end of the day I feel that this is a truly unique deck that I think anyone who likes tarot should try. The theme is subtle which makes it usable by anyone with any interest or style and it's well made so any reader will have that as a plus.
—M. Reyes
This is one of my personal favourite decks that i use frequently. Initially i bought this deck on impulse solely to add to my collection. However, when i opened and sat down with the deck i connected with the cards right away. The artwork is simple yet very beautiful with a art deco feel. The symbolism follows the RWS system of reading but is not another clone deck where the images are exactly the same and the colors are just different, the artist really gives the decks its own feel.
Some things i must emphasize:
-the back of each card is of intertwined roses and is my favourite card backing design to date
-the images are neutral and are not overly dark nor are they childish and encourage the readers to use intuition
-the deck is great for both new and advanced readers
-the deck doens't have an intimidation factor where the reader feels overwhelmed by the imagery or distracted the artwork is very soft
This is a beautiful deck to have for reading or just to have. I use it to read when i have a friend wanting a relationship reading or just to read and it is one of my most treasured decks along side my deviant moon deck which i bought together with this deck.
I highly recomend this deck. for any collector or reader looking for a deck that will inspire you. Fenestra is latin for 'window' and this deck truly is a window to your inner most self.
—Nursejuju, Amazon customer