Whispers of Healing Oracle Cards
Whispers of Healing Oracle Cards
Score: 3.80 (votes: 5)
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  • $25.95
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The "Whispers of Healing Oracle" is here to help you nourish, strengthen and restore yourself to emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness. Whether you wish to heal a broken heart, resolve a work challenge or discover ways to fine-tune your beliefs and attitudes, this deck is ready to journey by your side as a source of support, guidance and insight.

Turn to this oracle whenever your health seems compromised, and the soothing energy and wisdom will help you navigate your way to balance, wholeness and wellness. Immerse yourself in Angela Hartfield’s profound messages and the intricate detail of Josephine Wall’s inspired artwork, and tap into the healing energy that abounds within and around you. It is time to unlock true, deep and complete personal healing.

Also by Josephine Wall and Angela Hartfield: Whispers of Love  and Nature's Whispers Oracle Cards

Also by Josephine Wall: Mystical Wisdom

    • SKU
    • Weight
      1.15 lb(s)
  • ISBN
  • Size
    Box measures 5” x 6.75”; 50 cards measure 3.75” x 5.5” 
  • Language
  • Author
    Angela Hartfield
  • Artist
    Josephine Wall

What Customers Are Saying About Whispers of Healing Oracle Cards

There are several attributes that make the Whispers of Healing Oracle unique. One that jumps out immediately is the . There are thousands of decks out there these days, but this one really resonated with me due to the amount of detail in each card. I find that this helps tremendously when it comes to finding meaning in the images. The other important and unique trait is that these cards are created for healing at a deep level. Hartfield writes, “The deck will reveal hidden pathways and help you respond to situations with a deeper understanding and higher perspective.” The more you work with these cards and familiarize yourself with them, the more clearly you will notice their calming, therapeutic effects. This deck is so easy to work with, it’s suitable for beginners, as well as more experienced card readers. If you are looking to learn more about your inner self by reaching out to the and the universe, you will be drawn to this deck.

— Corinna Underwood, Spiral Nature Magazine

I absolutely love this deck. The artwork is sometimes breathtaking and the colors are brilliant. In addition the cards read well. Indeed this is a healing deck so the messages are all about healing the self/ yourself and taking action. I'm working on and through healing in my life at this time so I do find the messages and suggestions in the guidebook helpful. The cards also serve as reminders, for example the keyword for card 22 is breathe. Intuitively this may mean you just need to relax, take a moment for yourself, breathe deeply in and out as many times as you need to in order to find your center, and then focus on what you want out of life in this moment and moving forward.

The cards are numbered and there is a table of contents in the guidebook which makes it easy to look up more detailed meaning for each card if you need to for clarification. There are card spread suggestions as well. I hope you like the cards as much as I and find this review helpful on your journey with Spirit and the oracle cards; they are gorgeous and helpful with the healing process.

— PhoenixAngel, Amazon customer

I have the Whispers of Love deck and I simply love it, and decided to give Whispers of Healing a try, and I'm glad I did. This is a great deck to get more specific with your inquires, where as I believe the Whispers of Love deck to be more 'general'.
Besides the larger size than the WOL deck, the colors just pop right off these cards. The card edges color-match the art which I love. Glossy and a decent weight, they shuffle very easily and the accompanying booklet is very helpful. I do love all of the Angela Hartfield/Josephine Wall decks. This is just as nice as the Whispers Of Love deck, just a slightly different layout and a glossy finish. Would highly recommend!

— Aunt Marmie, Amazon customer

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