Deep in the forest lies a hidden magical world where limitless joys await you. This peaceful healing place is inhabited by adorable fairy cats, who invite you into the oasis of nature, where you will discover gentle life lessons to guide you. The 41 Fairy Cats cards in this deck are grouped into four sections: Inspiration, Contemplation, Comfort and Celebration and one bonus Contentment card. The 140-page illustrated book presents each cat’s affirmation, story and advice.
SizeBox measures 4.375” x 6.375”; 41 cards measure 3” x 4.57”
ArtistBrenda June Saydak
What Customers Are Saying About Affirmations of the Fairy Cats Deck and Book Set
Affirmations of the Fairy Cats deck is an absolutely adorable and uplifting deck to use in daily pulls, tarot readings you want to add a positive note to, or for just a low day and you want a pick me up. I found myself smiling every single time I picked up this deck.
They are super easy to shuffle even for small hands and the guide book provides a lot of real life applications from the cards that I found to be a huge bonus for me as a reader and creating my own rituals. I did find that the cards were not in alphabetical order or number order in the book, which made it a bit odd to look up cards. I also think some of the colors of the cards were much darker than I anticipated but it didn't take away anything from my readings.
This deck is a truly magical experience to read with.
—Summer Ross (AstariaSen), YouTuber
Beautiful illustrations, cards are a lovely size to work with and the guide book is well laid out. Positive uplifting messages.
—Siobhan H. Amazon customer
I'm in love with it. A perfect deck for selfwork from a place of compassion (and kitties and magic!)