Duirwaigh Studios Products

Duirwaigh Studios Products


Poet Angi Sullins and artist Silas Toball, 
the wife & husband dream team of Duirwaigh Studios, bring over 20 years of creative 
magic to your doorstep and your bookshelf. Pull back the velvet curtain and enter 
the Duirwaigh (pronounced Door Way) World of Wonders and prepare to be dazzled.  


  • Wisdom of the Wild Things Oracle
    A legendary author once showed us Where the Wild Things Are. While you can search the pages of story, climb the mountains and swim the oceans of our planet to seek them out, the original wildlings live in the realm of psyche. Discover the wildlings of your own inner forest of psyche.
    Score: 5.00 (votes: 4)
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    • $26.95
  • Wisdom of Hafiz Oracle
    Hafiz invites you to remember the ancient wisdom that lives within your soul. Whether you seek guidance, support, inspiration or a new perspective, the spirit of the Sufi poet encourages you to look inward.
    Score: 3.25 (votes: 55)
    Reviews: 2
    • $23.95
  • Wing, Hoof and Paw: An Animal Companion Oracle
    Before our imaginations were scrubbed clean, we spent time with invisible friends, many of them in the animal kingdom. We encountered the creatures of the earth for what they truly are: Emissaries of the Marvelous. The creatures in this deck speak to your inner child and encourage your soul on its journey to a thriving, magical and empowered life.
    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
    Reviews: 1
    • $26.95
  • Wild Woman Rising Oracle
    You’ve made your way to this deck, which means Wild Woman is alive in you. Use these 44 cards and 104-page guidebook as a siren’s cry to connect with her, court her wisdom and conjure her presence as it lives in your own wildish nature.
    Score: 3.17 (votes: 29)
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    • $26.95
  • When Women Had Wings Tarot Deck
    • New!
    When Women Had Wings Tarot Deck
    You may not be able to see or touch them. But, you do indeed have wings. Your soul is winged and can fly daily. Your spirit is designed to soar. This tarot deck is aimed at bringing you fully into that expansive experience.
    Score: 4.50 (votes: 6)
    Reviews: 2
    • $37.95
  • W.I.T.C.H. Woman in Total Control of Herself
    A W.I.T.C.H. is a Woman. In. Total. Control. of Herself. Become mistress of your own power with the wisdom of this 44-card deck with oracular guidance from the Witchery Academy, and five original poems by muse Angi Sullins. You were born sovereign, and your life is the castle you occupy.
    Score: 3.80 (votes: 5)
    Reviews: 1
    • $26.95
  • Unlocking the Secret Garden Oracle
    There is a secret garden inside you, fortified by stone walls old enough to remember the moon’s first name. Here every plant, flower, insect and animal is a portal, a passageway to unlock the secrets still tucked away in your own potential. Question-keys and answer-locks, when fitted together, open ancient passageways and doorways of opportunity, where you will discover wisdom treasure.
    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
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    • $26.95
  • Tree Keepers Oracle
    Long ago, before trees were used for their pulp and fiber to bind our stories, they were story protectors of a different kind. As legend and druids can tell you, there are places on the planet where the veil between worlds is thin, and the trees were guardians of these sacred spaces.
    Score: 3.91 (votes: 11)
    Reviews: 1
    • $26.95
  • Love Who You Are Oracle
    Remember who you were before the world told you who you should be. This deck is your companion on the journey to radiant self-worth and confidence. Let the 44 cards and the musings of the 116-page book be the voice that calls you back.
    Score: 4.38 (votes: 8)
    Reviews: 2
    • $26.95
  • For the Love of Dragons Oracle
    Whoever said diamonds are a girl’s best friend never met a dragon. Inside this deck by popular artist Amy Brown, you’ll find majestic guides, petite playmates, cute companions and wild free spirits. Discover the power of fire and flight in this special collector’s book and deck.
    Score: 3.55 (votes: 20)
    Reviews: 1
    • $26.95
  • Fearless: Fight Like A Girl Oracle
    In the emerging realm of feminine empowerment, “fearless” means being present with your fear and allowing your soul’s sovereignty to accompany it step by step. To fight like a girl is to let your fear cooperate with your love. Discover your power by facing down your demons, doubts and insecurities. It’s time you fight like a girl.
    Score: 3.10 (votes: 10)
    Reviews: 2
    • $26.95
  • Fairy Gems Oracle
    Fairies have been with us forever. Spun of light and shadow, these mysterious beings are timeless spirits who belong to the wild and carry all its wisdom. Gemstones, too, have held the promise of magic—used as amulets to protect or heal, grant clairvoyance and travel into other realms. In this 40-card deck, the power of fairies and gems come together through the luminous paintings of Linda Raven­scroft and the book of oracles.
    Score: 4.00 (votes: 3)
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    • $26.95
  • Dream Song Oracle
    • New!
    Dream Song Oracle
    Once upon a time you were friends with the stars. Your neighbor was the moon, story was your guardian, and dreams, your native language. When you had an idea, Lila, goddess of play, circled you with joy, calling upon your creativity. Making your way through the Universe was a playful dance as you moved to the dream song of your heart. Travel the pages of this oracle map to reawaken your dream song.
    Not rated yet
    • $26.95
  • Divine Nature Oracle
    Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be? The experience of humanity conditions you to believe you’re made entirely of earth. No matter how much encasing the world has put on you, nothing can change your divine nature: golden, radiant, valuable. This deck is like phoenix-fire, melting away all that does not belong to your divine nature.
    Score: 3.38 (votes: 13)
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    • $26.95