

  • The Way Seekers Tarot
    Way Seekers Tarot artfully pays homage to classic tarot traditions, including the simplicity of Marseilles and the rich symbolism of Smith-Waite. Powerful figures in the Majors and the Court cards take their inspiration from Greco-Roman mythology and offer bold new perspectives for the Way Seeker.
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    • $23.95
  • Black Ritual Tarot
    • New!
    Black Ritual Tarot
    Using only black ink, the Black Ritual Tarot invites us to explore the depths of the psyche. Adam Zonca’s highly detailed illustrations offer a monochromatic perspective on the enduring Rider-Waite archetypes and symbols.
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    • $23.95
  • The Jungian Tarot and its Archetypal Imagery
    In Volume II, Dr. Wang explores the imagery of The Jungian Tarot from the standpoints of archetypal symbolism, history, and comparative religion.
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    • $16.95
  • Tarot for Kids
    Tarot is a fantastic tool for teaching kids verbal and decision-making skills, how to set goals and move toward the outcome they want, and how to trust their instincts. With Tarot for Kids, children are invited to narrate their own stories and find their power.
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    • $18.99
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